paper toys

“Once we believe in ourselves, we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight, or any experience that reveals the human spirit."
~ E.E.Cummings


Welcome to The Toymaker’s Bunny Newsletter!


“Earth laughs in flowers."
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Bunny Bin

Two little bunnies are bring you a treat!

(Computer Tip – If the new toys are not showing up on your screen, try hitting the refresh button on the browser bar. If that doesn’t work try emptying your cache.)


“Spring has returned. The Earth is like a child that knows poems." ~ Rainer Maria Rilke

Paper Garland

I invented this easy-to-make paper garland after trying to figure out how to connect paper without glue.


Easter is here! Make something special for a friend.


Hello and hello


In praise of doodling.....

There aren't any art classes at my son's junior high, there's no woodworking or metal working either. There're no home economic classes like when I went there. It makes me wonder if any of his classmates will grow up to be inventors or designers. How can you learn to be creative if you never get a chance to make stuff? Sure you can be creative with words and writing but I don' t think they do much of that. The kind of writing they do is of the literary criticism variety.

I spoke at his school a couple of weeks ago and the kids said they aren't allowed to doodle in class. Heck, that's how I learned to draw. Just because someone is doodling doesn't mean they aren't listening. Every artist I know can tell you what they were listening to when they were drawing a certain line. Doodling is good for you, It gives your brain room to dance. So go find a piece of scrap paper and cover it with meanderings. You'll thank me.


Best thoughts,

"O terque quaterque beatum”
We are three or four times blessed.


Flowers, Buttons and Badgers in top hats!... Read it here...

The old Live Journal Link works too.

And do say hello on facebook! I’d love to hear from you!



"People from a planet without flowers would think we must be mad with joy the whole time to have such things about us." ~ Iris Murdoch






All Material © Marilyn Scott -Waters

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