Welcome to The Toymaker’s May Newsletter!

“Whatever you are… be a good one.”
~ Abraham Lincoln


It's Good To Be Creative!

You can't use up creativity, creative thinking builds on itself and increases the creativity of the thinker...You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.
~ Maya Angelou


Print tickets!

Click here for PDF file1

A Popcorn Bag

Click here for PDF file1


When the Boy was little he would line up all his stuffed animals on the sofa to watch movies. Make your own movie theater at home with tickets and popcorn bags.

(Computer Tip – If the new toys are not showing up on your screen, try hitting the refresh button on the browser bar. If that doesn’t work try emptying your cache.)


Spelling Flags!

I made these little flags in little colors so that you can match them to your party theme. Glue the letters on the circles to spell out a special message.







Hello and hello!

Fun shouldn't cost a lot of money. Kids don't need expensive parties or amusement parks to have an enjoyable day. Grown-up parties don’t have to cost a thousand dollars either.Those both just end up in stress for everybody.

When the boy was four I bought an expensive cake, thinking that is what parents do for their kids. The next year all three of us baked a somewhat lopsided cake, frosted it with chocolate and smashed Oreos and decorated it a couple of little toy trucks from the dollar store. Guess which one was a bigger hit?

I still remember a circus birthday party that my mom put together for my brother. We had a circus train made out of cardboard boxes with twisted streamers for the bars and stuffed tigers and lions. A couple of old neighborhood girls dressed up as clowns. It was exciting! It’s been a long time since that day but I still remember the warm August air and the ice in a paper cup.

The best gift that you can give a kid is time, free time, just to sort of “be”.

So relax! Take time to play.

Best thoughts,


"O terque quaterque beatum”
We are three or four times blessed.


"Don't let anyone rob you of your imagination, your creativity, or your curiosity. It's your place in the world; it's your life. Go on and do all you can with it, and make it the life you want to live."
~ Mae Jemison


Flaming Hedgehog Cards! Cleaning closets! Silly Cats! Shaggy and Velma!

Read it here....


And do say hello! I’d love to hear from you!




“Striving for excellence motivates you; striving for perfection is demoralizing.”
~ Harriet Braiker


Donations cheerfully accepted to help provide free paper toys to children all over the world.



All Material © Marilyn Scott -Waters



Spring is when life's alive in everything.
~ Christina Rossetti